#HeyDrHood! Am I being ignored?

#HeyDrHood! I feel like my organization is hating on me. I’m busting my butt for them, but they rarely share my accomplishments on our social media channels. Also, it seems like they pick and choose who they recognize on social media–some folks get all the shine and others are ignored. It’s not just me. What should I do?


First, I wouldn’t sweat it that much. Nobody’s probably paying attention to your company’s social media account anyway. Don’t believe me? Go back and look at their last 10 posts and notice how many likes/comments/views they’ve received. What about the last 20?


Ever wonder how it is possible for your employer, school, favorite nonprofit, etc to have hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of followers, yet manage to generate only a dozen or so likes/comments per post? That’s largely because the algorithms used by social media companies tend to prioritize the content of individuals over those of organizations. Why? Because it’s a #paytoplay system. To make money, social media companies need organizations to $pay$ in order to boost/share/sponsor their content. However, when you post/reshare their content, you’re creating more value for them than you realize–especially at no cost to the organization. As a result, our employers, schools, nonprofits, etc desperately need us to share their content in order to maximize their reach while minimizing their expenses. This gives us (students, employees, customers, etc) enormous leverage over institutions. This may not always be the case however–algorithms and business models change all the time. But for the time being though, why not use this leverage while you still have the chance? I suspect that one day there will be a lot of your classmates and coworkers who will be wishing that they did.


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